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Close to Your Digital Future

We aim to create value, not sell products or services.


Our Team

Partner & CEO

Patrick Petzold

Software Engineer

Max Iaroshenko

Software Engineer

Victor van Herpt

Software Engineer

Pablo Miñarro

UX Designer

SĂ©verine Graf

Senior Marketing Manager

Anja Piegai


We focus on end users and their needs.

Software Engineer

Javier Perez

Software Engineer

Gustavo Peñalver

Partner & Tech. Architect

JordĂĄn JarolĂ­m

Partner & Product Owner

Phillipp Lehmann

Junior Project Manager

Enya Tschui

Software Engineer

José Maria Isasa Cantó

UX/UI Designer

SebastiĂĄn Gallego Niebles

Product Owner

Gregor Westerhold

Software Engineer

Alexander Hagbarth Ferrandiz

Software Engineer

Geoffroy Baumier

Software Engineer

Francisco Mari

Software Engineer

NicolĂĄs Rizo Zamora

Software Engineer

JeremĂ­as PĂ©rez Morata

Software Engineer

Ben Stoyer

Software Engineer

Ja­vier Vicen­te Dom­in­go Men­gu­al

Software Engineer

Kas­pa­ras Mor­kƫ­nas

Mission statement
Mission statement

Our Mission

We provide value to our clients by making the collaboration between agencies and organizations innovative and efficient, allowing us to find valuable digital solutions together.

Our Vision

We always focus on the end user and his needs. Together with our customers, we develop future-proof and reliable digital solutions for them, thus strengthening their brand.


We’re Looking for New Talent

We’re always on the lookout for ambitious candidates who fit our team.

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